(thank you!), or subscribed. You can see current and past issues
since 2004 on my blog at www.silverlottoblog.com. Enjoy!
Great discussion going on in a forum I visited recently.
The theme was about success and selling.
One member had put up two photos.
The first pic showed a rundown house in the suburbs.
Outside, an old car was in the process of being repossessed and
taken away on the back of a tow truck.
The second picture below it was of a Lamborghini parked prettily
outside a huge mansion.
And his question was: Who would you rather buy from?
In other words, who of the two would you trust to sell you
something that worked?
The dumpster guy, or the obvious richie with the sports car?
This great thread that sparked a huge debate.
I don't know why, personally... it seemed a bit obvious to me.
But in the end ALL the readers of the thread eventually admitted
they would buy from the rich guy with the 8 bedroom mansion and
exotic Italian sports car.
Their theory was mine too... if he was successful, then his
products too must also be successful.
I was reminded of this discussion as I was planning to put up a
photo of my new (to me) Bentley Continental on the Silver Lotto
System website.
I'm a modest guy in real life... I don't like boasting.
But it's a fact of life that successful people sell successful
And successful products make the buyer successful too.
It's one of those win-win-win situations.
So I don't mind 'showing off' a little if my success will
motivate people to buy and become wealthy themselves.
Because most people are too busy just liviing to make any real
They need motivation... and sometimes a kick in the pants.
Nothing wrong with a little envy to get you going :)
The other way I help is by giving you a free look each week at 5
of the 87 game days in my Lotto-80 System.
Normally you have to pay $7.80 a month to view them all.
So if your game appears below, you get a bonus sample of what I
predict for the coming week's play.
And I do this every Monday, for nothing.
It's just a tempter of course - to show you what you can expect
when you sign up.
It's easy to use, really.
Members click into the Lotto-80 member's website and look for
their game.
If they see a green square opposite their game, they are good to
If it is red, then they have 2 choices:
1) Either don't play as it recommends and save their hard-earned
money, or...
2) Buy the PRO System and play anyway using the special Profile
they are given.
Couldn't be simpler, and only takes a second or two each week.
So today I choose 5 games which have a 50% or more chance of
winning this coming week.
Don't forget - this is for using both Lotto-80 and the Silver
Lotto System together.
Canada 649
Australian Lotto
Singapore Toto
Arizona The Pick
Lots of Silverites have success with the Lotto-80 System:
Hi Ken;
...I followed your advice... I WON $100,000.00!!!!!! on my second
try. Your system works and your tips are very important to
follow. I'm continuing to play and expect to win again. I'll
write again when I do.
Thanks for a system that works.
Regards, Ron
Hop over there now and take a look: www.lotto-80.com
Really - paying less than $8 a MONTH is a no-brainer.
Go now: www.lotto-80.com
Make Every Play Day A PAY Day!
Ken Silver
"20 Years Helping People Win Since 1991"
Enjoyed these tips? Why not share this newsletter with friends or
family? Forward this email to them, or send them this link to
sign up: http://www.silverlotto.com/#ezine
My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special today:
Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you:
My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Lets you choose the best time
to enter every game with an easy red and green light play
indicator... for just the price of a hamburger a month:
Silver Lotto PRO System: A combination of the Silver Lotto
System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected
winning percentage to an amazing 98%:
My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball:
My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14
lines, played for you. You don't have to do a thing:
ABOUT ME: Ken Silver
I'm one of the early e-commerce adopters, selling my ebooks
online since 1995 and helping others achieve success through my
top-selling Silver Lotto System, a unique program which I
developed in 1991. There are hundreds of testimonials on my
websites which prove that anyone can win a lottery prize in
almost every game using my systems.
I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets,
including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."
If you have bought one of my systems and want to resell my
products, see my Affiliate Center at
http://www.silverlotto.com/affiliate-sign.htm. There's a heap of
info and tools to use there. Recently I increased the selling
commission rate for affiliates to 75% - the highest commission
currently available.
Copyright ©2011 Ken Silver
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