or were subscribed. You can see current and past issues on my
blog at www.silverlottoblog.com. Enjoy!
I sat bolt upright at my computer, staring at the screen as the
following words flashed out at me:
"Mass blackout hits California, Arizona and Mexico."
Yesterday up to 5 milllion people in Los Angeles, San Diego and
Tijuana suffered a total blackout that might last through to
And the first word that came to my mind was "powerless."
Without power, how would the lottery terminals run?
How would lotto store staff process tickets - let alone credit
card payments? Lottery machines require both power and a working
phone line.
So I rang my national lottery game HQ and asked what would
happen. They admitted they didn't know.
Looks like the affected game would be carried over when the power
came back on.
That wasn't very reassuring for players like us who want full
control over our investment.
Same thing happened in California 3 years ago, and luckily the
SuperLotto Plus game was able to be drawn with the Sacramento
County headquarters backup generators.
But just in case you get a power outage or rolling blackout at
the wrong time, here's 3 valuable tips to consider:
TIP #1) Always wait until the last minute before you buy your
tickets. If your game draw is on a Saturday night at 8pm, then
find the cutoff period that night and get there 15 minutes
beforehand. This means that if there is a power shortage any time
Saturday up till play closes, you won't waste your money.
TIP #2) Won a big prize? Put a house emergency generator on your
shopping list. Get a built-in outside unit that automatically
comes on when the mains power switch is tripped and completely
takes over all your power needs. It costs around $5,000, and will
also add to the value of your home.
TIP #3) Don't play alternatives like Scratch-off games if your
regular game is offline. Remember you are playing lotto for a
reason... it is a highly effective game with high payouts, and
nothing should steer you offtrack from playing your lottery game
You DO have a game plan (GP), right?
GP1: Buy the Silver Lotto System (http://www.silverlotto.com)
GP2. Add the Lotto-80 System (http://www.lotto-80.com)
GP3. Get highest odds with PRO System (http://silverlottopro.com)
GP4. Play regularly.
Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Winners Since 1991"
Instant Help:
Enjoyed these tips? Why not share this newsletter with friends or
family? Forward this email to them, or send them this link to
sign up: http://www.silverlotto.com/#ezine
My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special today:
Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you:
My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Lets you choose the best time
to enter every game with an easy red and green light play
indicator... for just the price of a hamburger a month:
Silver Lotto PRO System: A combination of the Silver Lotto
System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected
winning percentage to an amazing 98%:
My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball:
My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14
lines, played for you. You don't have to do a thing:
ABOUT ME: Ken Silver
I'm one of the early e-commerce adopters, selling my ebooks
online since 1995 and helping others achieve success through my
top-selling Silver Lotto System, a unique program which I
developed in 1991. There are hundreds of testimonials on my
websites which prove that anyone can win a lottery prize in
almost every game using my systems.
I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets,
including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."
If you have bought one of my systems and want to resell my
products, see my Affiliate Center at
http://www.silverlotto.com/affiliate-sign.htm. There's a heap of
info and tools to use there. Recently I increased the selling
commission rate for affiliates to 75% - the highest commission
currently available.
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