Hi Lotto,
Everyone has their own way of playing lotto.
Some folks play when they can afford it.
Other folk play when they can't afford it!
Others - when the winning numbers are close in one game - will
immediately go out and play another game in the hope that their
'good luck' streak will continue.
None of the above is a good idea. But particularly relying on
good luck.
Because there's no such thing as a streak of good luck. It's just
when two or more good things happen together we sit up and take
notice because it looks so unusual.
It's just life being random, but looking connected.
But there is a way you can take control of your own destiny. And
like most of my strategies, it's dead simple.
Follow these 7 steps to lotto success:
Step 1) Buy the Silver Lotto System (you knew that, didn't you!)
Step 2) Plan how much you can afford to spend each week. This is
your Play Investment.
Step 3) If your Play Investment is short, figure out how many
weeks it will take to play the full system. Save up each week for
that amount with what you were going to play - but do not spend
it on any games yet.
Step 4) Join the Lotto-80 system as a member:
Step 5) Here's the real lowdown - the Lotto-80 system will advise
you when best to spend your full play investment: Play only those
Step 6) Persist. Some players win immediately, others take
longer. Be prepared to wait.
Step 7) Part-play if you have to. Most of us are impatient for
results. We cannot wait the weeks out... we want to be playing as
frequently as possible. But this is not how my system works, and
can be wasteful. So do this: Use only 10% of your Play Investment
to play your game. This way you will still feel connected to the
game, and the waiting time to play the full game won't seem so
long. And the advantage is that the Silver Lotto System will give
you hugely better odds than if you took a Quick Pick.
Here's what patience and consistency did for Carlos:
Dear Ken
I play the South African lotto with your
Lotto system that I purchased about 6 months ago.
I was hesitant at first...but
this last couple of weeks decided to go for it and
doubled my investment and played 80 lines...Well it
happened in last weeks Saturday draw I won 2 x 3 #'s
plus the bonus and in this Wednesdays draw I won
1 x 4 #'s and 3 x 3 #'s.
Your system does without a doubt put me in with a
better chance of winning...THANK YOU!
Carlos B. (name and address supplied)
Now get out there and start winning. And don't forget to write
and tell me about your successes!
Join my Winner's Circle Lotto Syndicate:
If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you
know someone who would benefit with the information in this
message, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in
your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field.
(And don't worry, they won't get anything more from me - they
have to sign up for that).
Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Silver Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)
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